Dr. Erica Warren

Dr. Warren is the author and artist behind all the courses, resources and cognitive remedial tools at Learning Specialist Courses and Good Sensory Learning. You can find more about her private practices at Learning to Learn and Drop Into Your Best Self.

About Dr. Warren

For the past 25 years, Dr. Erica Warren has been at the forefront of educational and personal transformation, blending her expertise as an esteemed life coach, educational therapist, executive functioning coach, and prolific author. Her academic journey, culminating in advanced degrees that united adult education, educational psychology, school psychology, special education, and coaching, set the stage for her pioneering contributions to the field.

At the heart of Dr. Warren's mission is her commitment to honoring each individual's unique ways of processing and fostering environments that celebrate and accommodate neurodiversity. Her direct involvement in training, personalized coaching, and remedial work with learners of all ages has been pivotal in creating and authoring multisensory lessons, innovative cognitive remediation tools, and comprehensive assessments .

What truly sets Dr. Warren apart is her unwavering dedication to evidence-based practices. She invests considerable effort into researching each of her offerings, ensuring they are not only grounded in the latest, evidence-based theories but also proven to be effective through practical application. This meticulous approach has significantly enhanced the efficacy and impact of her sessions, trainings, products, and resources.

Dr. Warren’s visionary work continues to empower an ever-expanding community of clientele, bridging gaps and fostering an environment where life and learning is not just a process, but a transformative journey.

Explore Dr. Warren’s Many Platforms and Resources